SuperSearch lets you use pre-set font categories (low contrast, heavy weight etc.) in different combinations to find the exact fonts you're looking for. You can also manually adjust font parameter values for an even more specific search, e.g. fonts with x-height between 0.5 and 1, and use font tags to narrow down the search results.
You can combine these parameters with one another, and also use font name in the search, creating very detailed search requests, such as name: alias tags: script contrast: 0.4-0.5 weight: 0.2-0.3
FontBase comes with a set of plugins for Adobe's Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. You can manage them using the Settings page. Once installed, any font that's used in the respective CC app file will be automatically activated when you open it, as long as the font is added into FontBase, you're logged in and the Auto-activation option is turned on. You can also turn on Auto-deactivate, which, as the name suggests, will deactivate auto-activated fonts when you've closed the file containing them.
AWESOME also allows you to view all the available font glyphs. To access them, head over to the Family page, then open the Glyphs tab.
The ability to toggle between the List and Grid views when displaying fonts in your current folder or collection. Use it by clicking the View toggle in the controlbar at the top.
Classic (default), Dark and Light themes are currently available to choose from in the Settings page. Navigate to the Advanced subsection, then use the Theme dropdown to cycle between the three and see which one you like more.
FontBase enables you to tag the fonts you've added into the app for improved categorization and easier search. Two types of tags are available: User Tags and Crowd Tags.
Users Tags are the tags that you yourself add to specific fonts using FontBase, while Crowd Tags are the ones most commonly added by FontBase users all over the world.
To manage tags, right-click any font or family in the font list on the Organize page, then select "Manage tags". You'll see a pop-up menu enabling you to add and remove your User Tags. You will also see the Crowd Tags for that font or family, if they are present. Please note you cannot remove the Crowd Tags, so if you can't do it, don't worry, it's by design.
The long awaited feature allowing you to take more control over your collections. You have two ways to export and import your FontBase collections, both available via the Settings page.
Enabling "Auto-sync collections" automatically creates a save file in the ".fontbase" folder inside your Root folder and saves collections data there every time you close FontBase. It also imports the data from the same file every time you start FontBase, as well as every time the file is changed. This means you can edit the file (e.g. change collection name, edit the list of fonts contained in it etc.) manually using your preferred text editor, or use this file to sync collections accross multiple FontBase instances on different computers if their Root folder paths is pointing to the same folder, for example on the same storage drive or services like Google Drive.
You can also manually export and import collections to a separate file as a backup, or to share them with other FontBase users. This can be done using the "Export collections" and "Import collections" buttons respectively. Once clicked, you'll be prompted to select the desired filepath, pick one and that's it!
Both auto-saved and manually exported collections are stored as .json files.
At the bottom of the controls sidebar on the left in the Preview page you will find the Export CSS section. By default it reflects the data for the entire text page, while selecting a specific text section will show only the data pertaining to it and the parent element. Currently viewed CSS can be copied to the clipboard by clicking the corresponding button just above the CSS text field. The text field itself reflects the values set using the controls sidebar and is both horizontally and verticaly scrollable.