Missing fonts in your Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign documents are now activated automatically!
You can now delete any folder you have added directly from the app.
Fixed an issue where you would need to constantly re-login to Awesome.
Now we're showing more detailed and more verbose notifications about what's happening in the app.
An auto-activation plugin is now installed immediately after you log into Awesome for the first time. When opening a design document with some missing fonts, FontBase will search its database for the matching font and activate it for you automatically. We plan to add support for more apps (like Sketch and Affinity) in future releases.
Updated Awesome page texts and look.
Changed notifications display order: it's now top-down.
Fixed multiple errors when moving the root folder.
Fonts are now deactivated before moving the root folder.
Fixed the error caused by dropping a folder into the app if it had already been added.
You can now toggle password visibility on the Login page.
Refactored and updated some older code.
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