Awesome subscribers will be able to sync collections through any cloud drive, like Dropbox or Google Drive.
We removed this setting, but added a button that allows you to add a folder that will be watched for file chages.
We made some tweaks here and there to make your life easier.
Awesome subscribers can activate collection auto-sync in settings, or import and export collections manually using a button. If auto-sync is enabled, collections are being synchronized when you open (collections are imported) or close (collections are exported) FontBase. The collections sync file is located at FontBase/.fontbase/collections.X.X.X. Currently, collection sync is only possible between the same versions of FontBase.
Added font extension display (OTF/TTF) to family and font names.
Added a visual representation for watchedf folders: they are now shown with an eye icon on the left.
The settings icon is now just below the other page icons on the left.
You can now add a collection quickly by using the Alt+C shortcut.
On Windows, activated fonts are now also added to registry. This should improve font visibility for some applications.
Updated some UI components to look more consistent though the interface.
Updated the settings page look and feel.
Fonts should now be grouped into families more correctly.
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